It’s easy for identify at an early date those deals that might require a sales deal.  target them early and remove or reduce the need for a sales concession. The color coded chart highlights in RED or ORANGE those deals that should get some immediate focus.



According to CSO Insights up to 24% of the deals in the company’s forecast will end in a No Decision by the end of the quarter.  The  majority of those No-Decision deals, up to 3/4, are the result of Close Date Slippage (CDS).   Close Date Slippage is the single biggest cause of missed quarters.  So it makes a lot of sense to identify any deals that have the potential to slip out of the forecast as early as possible.  If the deal is scheduled close a couple of quarters out it will, in all probability, experience a number of close date changes.  But once a deal is in the forecast, you need it to stay in the forecast.