“Forecasting is NOT a by-product of the Occulus deal analysis, it is the Natural Outcome of the deal analysis.” 

You need your sales managers to provide you with an accurate forecast; but how are they going to do it?


According to a recent CSO Insights study of 2,500 companies which looked at the impediments to accurate forecasting the majority of companies gave:

  • Sales reps are too optimistic
  • Not enough predictive information available
  • Current information not accurate enough as their top 3 reasons for poor forecasting accuracy.

Unless you provide your sales managers with the means to obtain better information, the forecasts you’re currently getting will be as good as you’ll ever get.

With Occulus your sales managers will provide you with a forecast that is > 90% accurate.


Click here to download an actual forecast report ( Excel Spreadsheet)


The Occulus Forecast is the natural outcome of the analysis and it is done automatically with an accuracy of >90%.

There is no incremental effort required to produce the Occulus forecast, not from the sales reps, nor the sales managers nor yourself; just go to the Forecast tab, review the Occulus Forecast ( you can, at your option, over-ride which deals are to be included and for how much), then click the EXPORT button and your forecast will be downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet.  That’s it!

It seems simple; it is!   And it’s the most accurate forecast you will obtain.

The Occulus Forecast is created on a deal-by-deal basis.  Using the analysis results, Occulus assigns a Forecast Worthiness Rating (FWR) to each deal in the pipeline indicating how the deal should be forecast:

  • FWR  – AAA, AA & A  — Forecast as:  COMMIT,
  • FWR –  BB, B, B-   — Forecast as:  UPSIDE,
  • FWR  – F   —- Forecast as:  OMIT.
If you want a hard-copy, click on the EXPORT button and the Forecast will be exported to Excel.

Click Automated Forecast to learn more about the Occulus forecast function and download an actual example of a forecast report